Saturday, March 19, 2011

A heavenly word for my hungry spirit

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want..." -Psalm 23:1-

The last two months has been rather emotional for me, for various reason. Some days (well, most days) I feel like I'm not getting all that I want or need from the people around me, giving everything of myself and being emptied but never refilled. And being the severe introvert that I am (you know it's bad when you start to annoy yourself, LOL), this leads me to seclude myself from any and everyone! This is something I've done for years; even as a young child I would do this, and I became very good at it. But this attitude and mindset is part of my "old nature," and I really don't want it anymore because it's not behavior of a mature child of God. So, I've been seeking the Lord's help with this issue.

Today, as I was driving to work (it takes me an hour...great amount of time to talk with God) Psalm 23 kept running through my head. The first line, in particular, kept repeating to the point I could almost see the words written in front of me. Now, I was taught there's a great difference (and sometimes a very thin line) between what I WANT and what I NEED. But, that word "want" in the first verse of Psalm 23 is actually translated from the Hebrew word "chacer" (pronounced khaw-sare') and means "to lack" or to "have a NEED." The word is also translated in other scriptures "to become EMPTY."

The more I think about it, the more I'm reminded that with God in my life I'm NEVER IN NEED of anything. He is my great shepherd who leads me and guides me and places EVERYTHING I NEED right in front of me! And in those times when I feel empty, He's always going to refill me. And He doesn't just fill me with enough to get by for a few, with Him "my cup overflows" as it says in Psalm 23:5.

WOW, what a mighty God I serve! :-) Not only is He mighty to save, but He's mighty to keep my life sustained and overflowing. Now, that's not to say I don't need love, attention and affection from the people closest to me, but God is showing me that I have no reason to worry when I feel empty because in some way, shape or form He's going to fill me until I'm overflowing!

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