Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Reflection Part 1: You've been set free. But, are you walking in freedom??

So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." They answered Him, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never yet been enslaved to anyone ; how is it that You say, 'You will become free '?" Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin. "The slave does not remain in the house forever ; the son does remain forever. "So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.
John 8:31-36

I will admit, in years past Easter Sunday has been just that...Easter Sunday. And when Monday rolled around, things were back to the usual. But this year is different!

Church was wonderful, and God allowed me to enjoy the service with some wonderful friends. The message was on point (as always), but it was so similar to messages I've heard from different people within the last month; and even a message I've taught recently. We all know that Christ died for our sin, or to cleanse us of our sin that we may have eternal life. But, for some reason, the Lord has been playing 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 in my head the last three weeks. It basically says that once we enter into Christ we become new creations or creatures; our old man/self has passed away and ALL things are new!

For the last few months I've seriously begun to see and appreciate myself the way God sees and appreciates me. He's been saying to me "Danielle, I didn't die so you could know that you're transformed. I died so you can live a transformed life!" Talk about a reality check, eh!! Think of it this way: what's the sense in purchasing an $80 pair of Nikes if you insist on wearing the old pair of  L.A. Gear with no laces and holes in the soles? That would be a total waste of money...right??

Was Christ's life, death and resurrection a waste? We all know that is far from the TRUTH! But I'm beginning to ask myself daily 'Danielle, are you living as though His life, death and resurrection was a waste? Would you rather keep your old nature, which is dead and stinky and useless to you now?" That can be a tough pill to swallow, especially days when you know you're words, actions and attitudes don't reflect God's character. But I believe it's an important question to ask, nonetheless.

Please don't get confused...I am NOT comparing Christ's cross to a pair of sneakers!! But fashion is something everyone can relate to today, especially young I know y'all know where I'm comin' from!! ;-)

Anyway...this entire picture of being set free from sin and being given newness all around has been a process that didn't just begin and end on Easter Sunday for me (and I will share more in future posts). But what God has shown me previously has truly made me appreciate my new nature enough to discard the old, never to touch it again! Yesterday was emotional for me. As I participated in worship, I couldn't help but smile as I praised my God for this life He's given to me. There was a gentleman in the pew in front of me who was just down right excited about his new life. When he turned and spoke to me he said "today is like the Christians' 4th of July! Happy Independence Day!! Woo Hoo." (He really did shout "woo hoo," and I couldn't help but smile.)

And it made so much sense! We ARE set free from sin and everything else that has held us prisoner for so long. But the question still that you've been set free or given the choice to live freely, are you choosing to walk in that freedom??

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