Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Oh me, oh my. How fast time goes by!

Well, it seems like August is a looong ways away. And being that spring just sprung upon us, I highly doubt anyone is thinking about the end of summer yet! Anyone but me, that is.

I just returned a "Roommate Questionnaire" to the Housing Department at Dallas Theological Seminary. Classes for me begin the last week of August, but I'm pretty far in preparations for moving to Dallas at the end of July. Anyway, as I looked at the calendar while filling out this questionnaire I realized that I'll know my apartment assignment on June 1. That's only two months away! I mean the last two months came and went so fast...I truly can't believe it's April already (wasn't I just ringing in the new year? lol)!! :-o

In lieu of all this, I'm beginning to think I need to figure out what I'm taking to Dallas with me and what needs to be trashed. Yeah, I tend to be a pack rat sometimes (don't judge me, LOL). So, I already foresee at least four large trash bags full of junk. I have a ton of books, some I just purchased, that MUST go with me. That's two boxes right there...but that's added to the three boxes I have stored at my grandparent's house.

So, I think that's on my agenda for the rest of the week: figure out how and what I'm packing and taking with me. I know it seems really early to start packing, but I'm telling you the time will come quickly and I don't want to be doing things at the last minute. Not to mention, I'm probably going to teach another Bible study in May, so I'll need free time to study and prepare. Whew...I'm tired just thinking about all this! LOL

Anyway...I do have some prayer requests, for all of you faithful friends and readers. Please pray that all of my financial needs are already taken care of by God. Right now I'm looking at $14,000 a semester for tuition. Mind you...that's just the fee for school. This amount doesn't include living expenses (housing and utilities, food, transportation, clothes, etc.). So, please keep me in your prayers for that. I do plan on working part-time (I have a full-time class load), and my class load is pretty heavy. Please also pray for God's strength and energy to keep me moving with such a busy schedule.

The other thing is that I'm not taking my furniture with me. Why you ask...because God said so! lol. Seriously. I sat down one evening and prayed about how I should travel with all the stuff I have. God plainly said "take only what you can comfortably fit in your car." I'm thinking 'great! Is that even possible for me?" Again, me = PACK RAT! So...please pray that God provides great new comfy furniture for me when I get down there. I'd hate to sleep on the floor, but it wouldn't be the first time I've done that!   ;-)

Lastly, please pray that I enjoy the people around me. I love meeting new people, but I'm a true introvert at heart! I try not to be, and I'm certainly better than I used to be. But, new surroundings tend to frighten me a least for a little while.

OK...I think that's all for now! lol. I haven't had anyone to talk to all day, so that brain dump was much needed!  :-)

Have a great evening, people!

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