Saturday, July 26, 2008

See God in everything...

I recently read a blog by a woman who loves to cook and bake for her family. In the latest blog, she records her recent strawberry picking adventure with her husband and their two children. She makes herself known as a Christian and at one point in her writing she describes how she saw God's goodness in these berries.
"I could go on and on about the glories of nature, because, for me, God is so incredibly present in nature. There are so many ways that He provided abundance for us when it really wasn't necessary for any other reason than our pleasure and enjoyment," she wrote.
Of course, when first reading this I thought to myself 'OK, that's going a little far." But little did I realize the experience I would have a few days later.

So, I went grocery shopping Friday evening and decided to cook dinner. I made a pasta dish with chicken, fresh garlic, roasted red peppers, basil, an onion and extra virgin olive oil.
It was something different, but as I was cutting the onions and garlic the scent of both just filled the kitchen (and my entire apartment). But when I began to saute the onions and garlic in the olive oil, the two flavors meld together and created this fabulous aroma that I just couldn't get enough of. Then, once I added the peppers and basil, the red and green colors began to pop against the transparency of the other two.
Sounds crazy, right? Well, just think of it this way, you can't get these aromas or beauty from a frozen dinner. It's just not the same. And even the time it takes to prepare the meal is a great time to spend with God...right in your kitchen!
Try it. You'll be amazed at the things God will show you!

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