Saturday, February 21, 2009

Let Him reveal your future to you

I would really love to take pictures -- video even -- during some of the church services I attend. Not because anyone is doing anything outrageous or YouTube worthy (you know everything ends up there these days), but because I wish everyone could see what God shows me during the brief moments of praise and worship.

Tonight was a perfect example. Let me start off by saying that I'm moved back home to Pa. and am attending a new church. This church is different from churches I grew up in, but nevertheless, I believe God has me there for a specific purpose. Anyway, I'm still getting acclimated to the type of music they sing, but I've always had a tendency to watch others during praise and worship. As my eyes glided from the left end of the sanctuary to the right during service tonight, my focus stopped on this young boy sitting next to a few other young children.

This child looked to be at least 11 or 12 years old. Now, most children that I've seen this age and slightly older tend to find something to occupy their time during praise and worship other than praise and worship. But this young boy had his hands in the air and his head slightly bent forward. It didn't shock me to see this. I mean, this is what should be what's happening. It did however cause me to get teary eyed. In a world that pumps so much crap into the minds of young people, not all are taking heed to worldly thinking and acting. There are so many young people that are being trained in the way they should go and are loving every minute of it.

What really got me chocked up was when the minister asked everyone to stand and wanted to pray for those who were having specific problems (knowing what these problems were aren't important here). As the congregation began praying for one another, this same young boy laid his hand on an older man sitting a few seats away, and began praying for him. Wow.

This isn't the first time God has attracted my attention to a such a sight. Why has He done this?
Because He's preparing me for youth ministry. He has shown me what a child who hungers after Him looks like. He's also shown me what a lost and love-sick child looks like. He's showing and preparing me for all that I'll deal with in the youth I'll minister to in His appointed time.

Why am I sharing this with you? Because this is how God operates...for those who are willing to listen! He gives you the vision, then as He's preparing you for that appointed time, He shows you little by little what you'll face during that appointed time. And this doesn't only apply to ministry...IT APPLIES TO ALL ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE.

And God has been like this since the beginning of time. Just look at what He promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (check out the Old Testament books of Genesis and Exodus). And that's just a taste of what God has and can do. If God is showing you things concerning your future, pay close attention. And when it comes to past, you will be more than overjoyed!

So many times our pride gets in the way and we try to work out our own plans for our lives. But God has something better than we could ever imagine. And if He's the one developing the plan, you can be sure He'll work it out and walk you through it step by step.

For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.

Jeremiah 29:11

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