Sunday, July 19, 2009

Never lose sight of your God-given vision

God is so awesome! And I'm learning every day that when we are obedient to His word and diligent in doing His will, it all works for our good!

So, the word for the day is Diligence.

Let me say here that recently God has paced an awesome woman of God (who I'll gladly refer to as my Spiritual Mother) in my life. We are similar in so many ways it's almost scary. But, the more God reveals to both of us, the more we realize that this relationship was part of God's plan from the very beginning.

I won't go into great detail, otherwise I'd be writing for days about this (you'll just have to read the book when God releases it). The main point is that we both had God-given dreams, visions, callings on our lives that for some reason or another we allowed to slip through the cracks.

Well, I can only speak for myself. My dream has always been to own a business. I had this original vision when I was 16 years old. Somehow, I lost sight of that dream while in college. In the summer of 2007, I refocused and began writing a business plan to support the realization of this dream.

Now, at that time I was writing with the idea not to get my hopes too high on this dream coming true. If it did, great. If it didn't, I had nothing to lose. What a Godly attitude, right?! :-p

Anyway, after writing this simple draft it got lost in a clutter of other papers and books I had laying around my apartment. A few months later, I was laid off from my copy-editing job and packing up my life (once again) to move back home to Pennsylvania; a move that was God-ordained.

At that point, the confusion and frustration over other situations and circumstances (as well as the overwhelming fear of failure) pushed this dream way out of focus for me.

But God never lost sight!!!!


After recently disclosing my dreams (and fears) to my Spiritual Mother, we both discovered that we have similar goals and have been praying for God to send us the help to achieve them.

So now, my thought is had I not been diligent in following God's direction for preparing for my business, and even moving back to Pennsylvania, this relationship might not exist. I would have been delaying my own blessing!

As for my Spiritual Mother's goals and dreams, well, like I'll have to read her book! ;-)

Now that I've seen God's work and have heard His call, I will be more diligent in doing the work He has for me.

Man, this just keeps getting better!!!

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