Friday, June 19, 2009

Celebrating a year of revelations

On June 19, 2008, I started this blog with one intention: to share with others what God was sharing with me. What I wasn't expecting was the loving, fruitful relationship between God and myself that seemed to form simply out of just listening to and following his voice.

A year ago, I ventured into studying the Bible on my own (with God's help, of course). I went to church two, sometimes three times a week, but it was when I sat with my Bible, in the quietness of my Virginia apartment, that God showed himself to me in a way I'd never experienced. Whatever God showed me, I studied then shared my revelations through blogging.

For about a month, I read nothing but God's word. I became rooted in the fact that my life and everything I did belonged to God and He would use me for his Kingdom. But, before that could happen, I had to be transformed by the renewing of my mind! I let God come in and take FULL control of everything in my life.

In short, I entered a true RELATIONSHIP with God.

And that's all God really wanted from me. He wasn't concerned with what church I attended; if it was filled with one race, or whether it was mixed; if it had 100 members or 10 members. He knew that once I simply committed to Him, everything else would fall into place (read Matthew 6 if you are seeking revelation on this).

God knows me better that anyone, and this last year has been amazing. I'm in love with my heavenly father. I've tasted and now see that the LORD is good, and he has a destiny for my life.

I'm excited about where God is taking me on this next adventure here in Pennsylvania. It's already off to a great start and I'm just looking forward to what the next year will bring.

Keep reading. Keep loving God.


God'slillyflower said...

Amen! There is nothing that can take the place of being in a room alone with A BIBLE. Keep us updated.

Danielle Colette said...

For sure! God is doing something fantastic. Hopefully I'll be able to blog about it within the next few days!!!! :-)