Saturday, January 15, 2011

My touring VISA takes me everywhere I want to be!

I've made some truly great friends in the last 2 years. They've seen me at my best; they seen me at my worst...well, semi-worst (I try to keep my worst hidden from the rest of the world, lol). These people have become extended family.

One of those "family members," Jessica, moved to China this past August to live and teach at a university. Before Jessica left for her new adventure, I'd mentioned how cool it would be if I could visit her while she was away. I did think it would be cool, but thought it was a dream that might not happen. Well, surprise, surprise...I'm flying to Beijing, China in 4 days!

I've had this trip planned since September. The closer I get to my departure date the more excited I become about seeing my friend and enjoying a winter vacation with her. Jessica has been to Beijing before, so she'll be my tour guide! lol Last night while in Borders bookstore with a friend (who has jokingly said she's going to pack herself away in my luggage, lol) I purchased two travel-guide books, one for each city we'll visit.
Well, time to pack! :-)

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