Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011: Continuation vs. New Start

Ahhh...I'm sure I'm not the only one who views a new year as the perfect time to write a new blog post! I've been away far too long; almost 17 months to be exact! But, with good reason...and hopefully within the next few posts (there's no way I can get the last 17 months into on post, lol) I can get you up to speed. :-D

In a nutshell, I moved (AGAIN!) last April and will be moving (AGAIN) to Texas this summer (that's a wild and crazy story, lol), changed employment for what feels like the umpteenth time, and I'm currently preparing for a trip to China.

Yes, you read that correctly...CHINA...oh, with a stop in Bangkok, too! ;-)

God has truly added some interesting turns in my journey with Christ, and some things I still can't believe have happened and are happening. And with the start of this new year, I really don't feel as though I'm starting over...but more like continuing on an amazing journey that God started a few years ago.

On January 1, 2008, I was settling in to a new apartment with brand new furniture and secure in a full-time job. That, I thought was my new start! By November of that year, God quickly shifted the direction I was traveling, had me packing my furniture into storage (and its still in storage, by the way), out of a job and moving from Virginia back to Pennsylvania. Never saw any of that coming!!

But, God being the awesome provider that he is, I was able to move back home with my family AND was able to return to work for an old employer! Wasn't what I had planned (or what I had wanted, to be completely honest), but I was determined to trust God. Believe me when I say I didn't go willingly. I did my share of kicking and screaming...pleading with and asking God 'why this, and why right now.'

I'm sure He heard me, but HIS will was already set. And boy, was I in for a complete shocker! ... :-O

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