Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Proverbs, Day 1: To Fear or Not To Fear

Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

As I read this first chapter of Proverbs, God gave me the vision of a child sitting at a desk in the front of a classroom. The child's desk sat directly before the teacher's desk. The teacher leaned backward against his desk, almost in a seated posture. As the teacher spoke, the child sat at the edge of his seat, held from falling to the floor by the table attached to it, listened intently and wrote down every word that flowed from his beloved teacher's mouth. It was just to two of them!

I know, you're thinking "how in heaven is this connected to fearing the Lord?" Think about it: there is a level of respect and honor and even love we have (or should have, anyway) for teachers. They hold all the information that we need on a particular subject...that is why we take certain classes, right?! And how well we listen and practice what we've been taught determines whether or not we pass the class and possibly how well we'll do in future aspirations (it's our choice). When our Father gave us His Spirit to dwell within us, we gained access to a teacher eager to share His knowledge and wisdom with us!! But the teacher isn't the only one in the classroom with a job. As students we have to be willing and respectful enough to keep our hindpots in our seats and be attentive to all the Spirit of God wants to teach us. This is what fear, or reverence, for the Lord looks like! And again, it is our choice to fear or not to fear the Lord. But as knowledge and wisdom are products and benefits of fearing Him, there are consequences we face if we travel in the opposite direction.

What did you all see in this chapter?

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