Monday, August 8, 2011

Proverbs, Days 5-6: Purity vs. Promiscuity

"Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you" Proverbs 5:18

As I read chapters 5 and 6 of Proverbs, the idea of remaining pure in the sight of my FATHER kept running through my mind. There's nothing that this world has to offer me that can make me step out of my Godly character. I have a choice. Some things might seem enticing, but at the end of the's me and Jesus. And if my quest for wisdom brings me closer to Him in unimaginable ways, then I can't afford to do (or say) anything to lull me away from my Beloved! Because when God's appointed time comes, I want to be a "fountain of blessing" for my husband...and I want him to be a blessing to me!

I tossed and turned over the words to share in my reflection of these two chapters because I didn't want to mimic messages in sermons I know we've all heard preached before...whether if be from the pulpit, or from our parents standing in the kitchen. But, oh how God provides! I had a very interesting conversation with a new schoolmate that lead me to write a poem. As I read it, I realized it truly expressed my reflections on the wisdom in remaining pure and true to myself and waiting for God's appointed time for enjoying certain pleasures.

I will add this: I am well aware there are certain situations where remaining pure is out of one's control...mainly due to people with ill intentions (y'all know where I'm going with this). I weep for those whose purity is stolen from them. BUT...our God is a healing God! You are NOT damaged, but can be made whole by the healing power of Christ. He can bind up every wound caused by another (read Psalm 147:3), and what you have IS worth more than anything with any type of price tag! Remember that!!!

Pure Maiden (by: Danielle Colette)
I don't need THAT
To validate my identity;
My purity trumps all insecurities
Of whether or not I'm desirable.
For surely He has assured me
I'm a good thing to be found;
Not a gem to satisfy the lusts of fools
My worth is far above the price tag
Of any and all precious jewels!

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