Thursday, August 11, 2011

Proverbs, Day 7: Wisdom gives spiritual discernment

*To my faithful friends and readers: thank you so much for keeping up with my postings. I know today is not Day 7 of our Proverbs journey, but I am working to catch up in my blogging as I adapt to living in a new city and get settled into a new home. Please be patient with me as I get caught up. Thank you. You are a blessing!*

"Obey my commands and live" Proverbs 7:2 (New Living Translation)

For me, at first read, chapter 7 of Proverbs seemed to continue on from chapters 5 and 6. But, as I re-read it a couple times more, the Lord kept whispering the word "discernment" into my ear. The "promiscuous" woman who was "seductively dressed" could have been avoided by the young man walking past her. There will be more than many times we'll come across things (and people) that (who)are packaged in ways appealing to our eyes, and will seem to toss itself (themselves) in our pathway. But, with wisdom of discernment we are able to see what's inside the package before we even lay a finger to unwrap it! The question is, will we listen and follow wisdom's path?

There will be other times when it's not the package that entices us, but our lust for what things we don't have...things that belong to someone else. Allowing wisdom and the discernment she gives can save us much headache, heartbreak and trouble in the long run. It could even save our lives!

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